
Somewhere deep down in the internet you managed to find my site! Congrats!  

I’ll try to share my experiences and enthusiasm for vintage watches. So the first efforts to this site and blog where initiated in November 2021. So that was the beginning.  In january 2022 I ‘opened a webshop’ on a ‘sent me an email’ basis. Early April (which is now) this site is visible in google.

Vintage watches

Although I’m not exactly sure what a ”vintage watch” is, I own too many of those. Lucky for you, as it means I will be selling some of them, if I find the time and skill to do so.
This site is about the excitement, thrills, frustration and anger I experience when I buy used or NOS watches. Besides the whole hassle of buying, I explore possibilities to modify with NOS straps, polish (made huge mistakes here) the case, replace the crystals, clean the dials (made another big mistakes with dials). I try to learn about watchmaking and watches through the net (youtube, courses and fora) and books as a hobby but have no ambition to become one. Just to be clear this is a journey and I will document it in a blog. This most likely means that I from time to time will have  the facts wrong and bad judgements. I care but accept this, I’m rather new to this. Hopefully I get better at this.  

So realize this is not a watch expert site, this is not my ambition. There are other sites, shops, fora, youtube to satisfy that appetite. Besides this I need to master this whole website making stuff, I have a full time job, a wife, we maintain an old recreation chalet in Pingjum, and plenty of fun other stuff I enjoy doing (windsurfing, photography, hifi /amp building, playing guitar). Bottom line: my time,  attention and resources are limited.  But I’ll try, so you better watch me watching watches at

Where to start...?

I started with this website one year ago, so around December 2020. I managed only to get my head around it for one week during summer. And even then I required help from a friend. This is not working…grrr… so many ideas but so many things to do.  The only thing I manage to do  is buying…bidding… going to the postal office…chasing packages…wrestle with tracking codes…  It is quite intensive. Building shop can be plug and play for some of you and there are pretty neat ‘webshop solutions’  with ‘plug ins’, photo applications, QR code… and apps ‘that plug you in the social media’ just like so. Hhmmmm..the thing is, I’m not interested, I don’t have the patience or skill to master those apps in the timeframe I have available (I think it’s just to big of a thing). It’s eating me. I want to be there…but I don’t want to travel….in live that’s not gonna happen. So I’ve set myself the following simple goals:

1. make some branding or ‘look and feel’;

2. just write a blog, so people can understand my considerations, and if they like follow my journey

3. put some watches out here on the site so people have actually something to look at and (hopefully) enjoy

4. fight frustration and anger about; wrong fonts (whytf is this another font and color?), sudden layout changes that appear out of nowhere, my spelling and grammar errors, crappy pictures (watches deserves better). I simply ignore my utter and complete lack of skills of WordPress, Elementor, XEL and what have you. I just start, and eventually I’ll get there. That’s how you eat an elephant!

yeah…let’s do, lets continue with more pics!

All watches shown on my website are or will be for sales unless stated differently (dunno where or when, keep follow my blog). Pics are shot be me, occasionally if I was not in the opportunity I used from the net-will mention it.